David Appleyard

Tuts+ Manager
David Appleyard manages the Tuts+ Editorial Team, and has worked at Envato since 2008. He's a product manager, designer, and writer.
Currently working for Envato, managing the Tuts+ editorial team, and building products that make people's lives more creative.
New Course: Intermediate Flash Photography
New Course: Building Your Own Pattern Library for the Web
Tuts+ is Hiring a Copy Editor
‘Envato Live’ Pop-Up Coworking Space - Chicago, June 7 2014
Recommended Resources: Illustration
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Tuts+ is Hiring a Mobile Dev Editor
Tuts+ is Hiring a WordPress & CMS Editor
New Design Courses Available on Tuts+ Premium
Welcome to the New Tuts+
Meet Tuts+ at the After Effects World Conference
Tuts+ and Envato Are Coming to the UK