Mike Fyles

Mike Fyles practices, somewhere in the middle of England, the illustrative arts of Pulp, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Adventure. The results are best described as a celebration of the commercial arts of the first half of the 20th century, when drawing, painting and narrative (and not Photography) were the preferred choice to help tell what lie beneath a cover. More recently, the same interests have extended to the challenges posed by ‘Splash’ and ‘Spot’ illustration for helping in the telling of stories. Mike has published art work with The British Science Fiction Association, Elastic Press, Airship 27/Cornerstone Publishers, and Marvel Inc. He is currently working on a cover and nine interior illustrations for Adam Garcia’s Pulp Novel, The Green Lama: Unbound, published later this year by Airship27/Cornerstone Press. Visit Mikes website, his gallery on Renderosity, and Marvel.