Alex Arena

I'm a Computer Science student at Arizona State University, and, of course, an instructor for the Tuts+ network. I've also been known to dabble in my fair share of podcasting, politics, and development.
Control a Mac With Siri-Like Voice Commands
How to Create a Retina-Ready DMG-Based App Installer
Quick Tip: How to Write to NTFS Drives in OS X Mavericks
How to Child-Proof the Web on a Mac
Quick Tip: Recording Skype Calls, for Free, on a Mac
Quick Tip: Backup iCloud Documents With Hazel
How to Create a Static Blog Using Wordpress and MAMP
How to Create Micro-Screencasts With GIF Brewery
How to Access Screen Sharing From the Dock
How to Convert Vinyl to MP3
Quick Tip: Remap Keys to Become a Keyboard Power User
Quick Tip: Change the Icons on a Mac