Daniel Apt

Daniel Apt is a Dutch 21-year-old web designer living in London. He is passionate about all forms of design, especially when combined with technology. He’s currently studying Design for Graphic Communication at the London College of Communication.
Quick Tip: A Simple Score Display for Flash Games
Create a Microphone-Controlled Flash Game: Code
Create a Microphone-Controlled Flash Game: Design
Quick Tip: Use SWFObject to Embed Your Flash Content
Create a Nifty Polaroid Photo Viewer With Flash and Photoshop
Quick Tip: How to Make Your Code More Readable
Quick Tip: How to Export Flash to PNG with HYPE
Flash Websites: the Pros and Cons
Quick Tip: How to Organize Your Flash Project Files
An Introduction to Tweening With ActionScript 3.0
Taking a Closer Look at the ActionScript 3.0 Event Framework